Autotask Consulting

Independent consulting services focused on the implementation and management of Datto’s Autotask PSA

With over 10 years of experience using Autotask PSA in my own MSP, I possess in-depth knowledge and expertise to help you streamline your administrative functions, especially billing and revenue processes. Let me take your efficiency to the next level.

Autotask Logo

My Services Include

Billing Process Optimisation

Efficiently manage invoicing, payment collection, and billing workflows, ensuring accuracy and timely processing. Maximise your revenue potential while minimising manual effort.

Data-driven Decision Empowerment

Harness the power of data analytics and reporting to make informed business decisions. Gain valuable insights into key performance indicators, trends, and opportunities, empowering you to drive growth and success.

Workflow Automation Mastery

Master the art of streamlining your business processes through comprehensive workflow automation. Elevate efficiency and productivity across your operations while reducing the burden of manual tasks.

Streamlined Ticket Management

Effortlessly manage and prioritise incoming tickets, resolving issues promptly and effectively. Streamline your support processes to enhance customer satisfaction and service delivery efficiency.

Client Engagement Enhancement

Enhance client interactions and satisfaction through personalised service delivery and proactive communication strategies. Strengthen client relationships and loyalty by ensuring exceptional service experiences at every touchpoint.

Resource Utilisation Revolution

Unlock the full potential of your resources by optimising allocation, scheduling, and utilisation. Achieve optimal team performance and project profitability through strategic resource management.

Compliance and Security Assurance

Ensure compliance with industry regulations and standards while safeguarding sensitive data and assets. Implement robust security measures and protocols to protect your organisation and clients from potential threats and vulnerabilities.

Knowledge Management Excellence

Centralise and organise your knowledge base to facilitate information sharing and collaboration. Empower your team with easy access to relevant resources and expertise, enabling them to deliver superior service and support.

Strategic Business Planning

Develop comprehensive business plans and strategies aligned with your long-term goals and objectives. Identify opportunities for growth and optimisation while mitigating risks and challenges effectively.

Performance Optimisation Framework

Establish a performance optimisation framework to continuously assess and improve your operations. Identify areas for refinement and innovation to drive efficiency, profitability, and competitive advantage.

Datto RMM Integration

Resolve integration issues with Datto RMM to ensure seamless transition of monitoring alerts and ticketing between RMM and PSA. Optimise workflows to maximise automation and minimise technician time to resolution.

Continuous Improvement Culture

Foster a culture of continuous improvement and innovation within your organisation. Encourage feedback, experimentation, and learning to drive ongoing growth and evolution.

Zomentum Integration & Workflows

Integrate Autotask with Zomentum to drive sales and revenue processes. We’ll configure the system, set up custom workflows, and optimise the combined platforms to align with your business processes.

Zomentum Consulting

HubSpot Integration & Workflows

Build a powerful end-to-end revenue generating machine covering marketing, sales, and operations. Optimise workflows to maximise automation and minimise time and effort to generate leads and close deals.

HubSpot Consulting

My Clients Say

How Will Tactical Support Help My MSP?

The Bigger Picture

From running my own MSP, I know how easy it is to get caught up in the day-to-day:

– Trying to ensure that you’re delivering best-in-breed service to clients,
– Ensuring your teams are supported, trained and effective
– Managing and developing client strategies and projects ensuring they’re being optimised and developed.

All tasks take tend to take up more time and dedication than initially suspected, and often this impacts efficiencies and other tasks.

Alongside the day-to-day, MSP owners are more often than not also:

– Managing up-sale opportunities,
– Holding client strategy consultations,
– Delivering ad hoc, long-term, and interim support,
– along with much more.

With this added pressure and drain on your time, evolving the growth of your MSP, developing, and implementing your own strategy, can take a back seat.

Losing sight of your personal goals for the business, can be easy to do.

The demands brought about by Covid-19 caused many businesses, MSP’s included, to change how they worked, to define fully-remote working practices and implement them internally while assisting their clients. This has transformed the working world, and as MSPs were addressing the New-Normal needs for their clients, their own strategies and processes also had to be tactically reviewed to ensure best-practice internally. This additional work has meant that many busy MSP owners are struggling to define and attain their long-term personal and professional goals.

As the owner of an MSP, when was the last time you reviewed your business strategy in line with your personal goals?

Ready to grow your MSP and reach your personal goals?

Ready to grow your MSP and reach your personal goals?

Tactical Support


To ensure my mentorship services are right for you, I offer two packages, Standard and Enhanced. Feel free to get in touch to discuss which service would be most relevant for your needs and situation.

Standard Mentorship
795 £

If you’re looking for some regular additional support to benefit your business and operations, the entry level support programme is perfect for you.

The Standard Mentorship includes an email advice service and twice-monthly calls to assess, address and review your business.

  • Twice-monthly scheduled call with summary notes
  • Retained MSP Business Advice Service (via email), but would expect most issues to be left for scheduled calls
  • Service can be augmented with additional time or fixed-price consulting
  • All interactions via video or voice calls
Fast Track
Enhanced Mentorship
1495 £

To fast-track your business or, to provide additional strategic support, my Enhanced Mentorship Service would be the most effective solution.

The Enhanced Mentorship Service provides the services in Standard, but with the added advantage of weekly calls, and 24 hr response times for urgent matters.

  • Weekly scheduled call with summary notes
  • Retained MSP Business Advice Service (via call or email) with 24-hour response SLA for urgent matters and 48-hour response SLA for non-urgent matters
  • Service can be augmented with additional time or fixed-price consulting
  • All interactions via video or voice calls